Bhutan has many activities available for those visitors seeking a place of solace, rest and recuperation.  Whether it’s a session of peaceful, contemplative meditation, a relaxing soak in a mineral hot spring bath or the all-natural remedies of our traditional medicine Bhutan has just what you need to revive and rejuvenate your body and spirit. Our many meditation and mediation retreats will provide you with places of respite from the cares and stress of everyday life. Many tourists from Thailand and other Buddhist countries come to Bhutan specifically for meditation and retreat tours. Also, most hotels provide yoga sessions, retreats and meditation facilities within the hotel premises. The traditional medicine of Bhutan is known as Sowa Rigpa and dates back to the 17th century when it first spilt from it Tibetan origins. Bhutan’s natural environment, with its exceptionally rich flora has enabled the development of an unparalleled pharmacopoeia. Indigenous medicine units have been established in all 20 Dzongkhags (districts) and can provide tourists with traditional remedies for any ailments they may have. Hot springs or Tshachus as they are locally known can be found all over the Kingdom and their medicinal properties are known to cure various ailments ranging from arthritis to body aches and even sinuses.

Day 01: Paro-Thimphu

Driving Time: 1 hour, Distance: 60 kms, Elevation: 2200mtrs-2300mtrs

Drive to Thimphu,on the way stop at:

Tachog: View the very old iron bridge that dates back to the 15th century. The bridge is been renovated but they still use the same iron chain that was been made by the “Iron Bridge Builder” “Thangtong Gyalpo” in the 15th century.

In  Thimphu visit:

Changangkha Monastery: The monastery dates back to the 12th century,one of the oldest monastery in the region. This monastery is a very important monastery among the people living in Thimphu that’s because all the babies born in Thimphu needs to be taken to this temple for blessing.

Simtokha Dzong: Is the oldest and the first dzong(fortress) built by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in 1629. It was been used as an Institute for Language & Cultural Studies. The whole dzong exterior part was been renovated in 2008. At present it is used as the Center for Monastic Arts.

Buddha Point: Is the largest Buddha Statue of this image in the world. The whole statue is made from bronze and is about 169fts(51mtrs). The statue is mainly sponsored by the Buddhist Association from Singapore.

Zilukha Nunnery: The nunnery dates back to the 15th century and holds over 45 nuns. The nunnery was built by the famous saint Thangtong Gyalpo who is also known as the Iron Bridge Builder.

Overnight at the hotel.


Day 02: Thimphu

Time : 30 minutes and 1 hour hike

Chari Monastery: This monastery dates back to the 17th century built by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in the memory of his father who passed away in Tibet. It is also the first Buddhist Institute in Bhutan. At present it is used by the monks in Bhutan as their Retreat Center.

Tango Monastery: This monastery originally dates back to the 13th century,founded by Phajo Drugom Zhigpo. And the present building was built in the 17th century built by the Fourth Druk Desi Gyalse Tenzin Rabgay. At present it is the Buddhist University and all the monks in Bhutan have to pass through this university.

One can also have a picnic by the river side when the weather is favorable. Overnight at the hotel.


Day 03: Thimphu-Paro

Driving Time: 1 hour, Distance: 60 kms, Elevation: 2300mtrs-2200mtrs

Before driving back to Paro,drive to Dochula about 30mins to view the the most beautioful pass in Bhutan.

Dochula Pass: Is the highest point between Thimphu and Punakha standing at 3050mtrs above the sea level. During the clear weather you would be able to see the Eastern Himalayan Range. There are 108 stupas built in 2003 to commemorate the victory over the insurgents from India.

From there you can hike up to Lungchutse Monastery about 2 hours.

Lungchutse is a beautiful monastery situated at 3600Mtrs above the sea level. One can also have the 360 degree view of the Himalayan Range and the beautiful valley of Punakha.

After the hike drive 1 ½ hour to Paro. In Paro visit:

Kichu Monastery: Is one the oldest monastery in Bhutan built in the 7th century by the first king of Tibet, Tsongtsen Goenpo. From 108 monastery built by him kichu monastery is one of them sited on the left ankle of the ogress that was lying over the Himalayan range.


Day 04: Paro Taktsang

After breakfast drive about 20mins to the base of the tigernest monastery.

Taktsang Goenpa: The hike takes about 2-3 hours one way. Tigernest monastery is the icon of Bhutan and is also the dream of every Bhutanese citizen to visit atleast ones in their life time. The site of the monastery originally dates back to the 8th century after Guru Padmasamva meditated there in the cave for 3 months. The monastery itself was built only in the 17th century by Gyalse Tenzin Rabgay. The monastery got burnt down few times but it was built exactly the same way back again.

Leisure in the town for shopping. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 05: Depart At The Airpoirt

Goodbye And Tashi Delek!!!


  • Bhutan VISA fee
  • Government royalty & taxes
  • Dedicated English speaking tour guide
  • Dedicated tour vehicle and driver
  • 3-star accommodation (twin sharing)
  • Daily 3 meals (B/L/D)
  • Airport transfers
  • Bottled water
  • Entry fees to parks and monuments

Not Included

  • Flights to and from Bhutan
  • Personal expense/shopping
  • Beverages (soda/juice/alcohol)
  • 4 or 5 star accommodation (extra charges will apply)
  • Travel insurance
  • Tips for guide and driver