Day 1 : Paro to Thimphu
Distance : 60 kms
Time : 1 hour
Elevation : 2200 mtrs – 2300 mtrs
When landing on the wings of Drukair, after the jet leg our trained guide and driver will be welcoming the guest at the airport. ” when you come, you come as a guest, we stay as friends while enjoying the stay in Bhutan and when we depart from Bhutan, leave as a family”.
Visit the 15th century Iron Bridge built by Thangthong Gyalpo or Iron Bridge Builder.
When in Thimphu, visit the Memorial Chorten built in 1972 to commemorate the death of third king Jigme Dorji Wangchuck. In order to fulfill his wishes of Body, Mind and Speech of the Buddha. It was built by Queen Mother representing “mind” of the Buddha, to represent the speech of Buddha he wrote religious text in gold and for body, he build statue of Buddha.
Drive towards Buddha Dordenma started building in 2003, made of bronze and standing 169 feet tall. For the construction, the revenue was generated from sponsors from all over the world.
Visit the Changangkha Lhakhang built in the 15th century as protection and children born in Thimphu valley receives names and blessings. We call it the children’s monastery where the new born child is taken to receive blessings and even names.
Visit the Mini Zoo, Takin the national animal of Bhutan which can weigh up to 350-450 kilograms. It is one of the endangered species in the world found only in Himalayas.
Don’t forget to see the amazing police man dancing with his wavy hands to control the traffic. It is only city without lights and we use lights to give signal however blowing horns are practiced while driving a long distance. Interesting thing is that the emergency light is used as a parking signal.
Towards the evening stroll around the town.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 2: Thimphu to Thimphu
Sightseeing within Thimphu
Elevation : 2300 mtrs 
Drive to Tango Monastery as it takes around 45 minutes to reach before the trail. It was introduced in the 13th century by Gyalsey Tenzin Rabgay. Later Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in the 17th century he started Buddhist school with about 30 monks. The religious head before becoming the chief, he has to serve as a student and later as teacher.
Lunch at town or grab pack lunch.
Visit the school of 13 Arts & Crafts or Zorig Chozom to witness the old traditions preserved and practiced by youths like craving, painting, sculpting and embroidery.
Centenary Farmers Market is one of the largest counter with many people coming to sell different things, segregated according to the items displayed. Farmers from around the country gathers here to put up the local products to the people.
To witness the national game of Bhutan Archery, need to get close to the shooter to grab better understanding. The distance is almost 150 yards away. The bow and arrow is made of bamboo, however we use compound bows as it is more reliable to shoot.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 3: Thimphu to Punakha
Distance : 68 kms
Time : 3-4 hours
Elevation : 2300 mtrs – 1300 mtrs
In the fresh beautiful morning ascend towards Dochula pass,3100 meters as splendid as it looks brings worldly happiness in these area. There are 108 stupas built in 2003, to remember the bravery of the armies who lost their lives protecting the country. A cup of tea will be soothing and motivating to proceed further with the journey.
Visit Punakha Dzong, the largest Bhutanese architecture building lies in between the two roaring river, Pho Chhu (male river) and Mo Chhu (female river). Punakha being the ancient capital of Bhutan it plays a important role in religious affairs. It also holds the golden throne of the King and Je Khenpo or chief abbot.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 4: Punakha to Trongsa
Distance : 129 kms
Time : 4-5 hours 
Elevation : 1300 mtrs – 2300 mtrs
Warm weather will drastically differs when ascending through the bends, lies the Pelela pass, 3400 meters high. While outside the chilling wind kisses your chicks sending a message of happy journey ahead.
Stop to view the different structure of stupa which is the replica of Nepalise Chhorten known as Chendebji Chhorten. The enlightened eyes painted reminds us the practice of Dharma and the path to enlightenment.
Visit the longest Trongsa Dzong and took 1 century to complete the stunning structure on the hillock and the watch tower or Ta Dzong overlooking the village. It played a important role where the King before sitting on Thorne he shall serve as Governor or Poenlop of Trongsa for a year.
The Ta Dzong which is converted into museum depicts the ancient artifacts which tells the story of Bhutanese way of living.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 5: Trongsa to Bumthang
Distance : 68 kms
Time : 4-5 hours
Elevation : 2300 mtrs – 2600 mtrs
Fresh morning brings a new beginning to our very lives, after driving 28 kilometers there is pass known as Yotongla, 3500 meters high. Mostly covered with cotton candy clouds sorrounding the place.
Chhoekhor, Chumey, Tang and Ura makes the Bumthang Dzongkhag. Visit the weaving center of yak’s fur produced different commodities. Visit the cheese and red panda beer factory which was introduced by a Swiss person who is a Bhutanese citizen now.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 6: Bumthang to Bumthang 
Sightseeing with Bumthang
Elevation : 2600 mtrs
Early in the morning when the golden sun lights the valley pay a visit to Jambay Lhakhang which was built by king Songtsen Goepo in the 7th century to subjugate an ogress who was harming the people and the practice of Buddhism. He built 108 stupas on the ogresses body in one day, where Jambay Lhakhang was built on the left knee.
Hike from the Lhakhang towards Kurje Lhakhang where Guru Padmasambhava meditated and left the body imprint in the 8th century.
Head towards Tamshing Lhakhang crossing the river, it was the palace of Terton Pema Lingpa or Treasure Discoverer built it according to his physical appearance. To cleanse the de-merits from the body an iron jacket is placed to carry it clockwise.
From Tamshing monastery visit the Jakar Dzong built in the 17th century by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal.
Stroll around the town to feel the difference between provinces.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 7: Bumthang to Mongar
Distance : 184 kms
Time: 6-7 hours
Elevation : 2600 mtrs – 1700 mtrs
After breakfast drive to Mongar via Thrumshingla pass, 3600 meters high. Before that visit the Mebartsho or the Burning Lake, where Terton Pema Lingpa discovered treasure hidden by Guru Rinpoche. It’s believed that Terton went into the lake holding a butter lamp and returned with treasures still holding the lamp burning.
Visit the Mongar Dzong, earthquakes made to shift to Mongar where a new Dzong was reinstated.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 8: Mongar to Trashigang
Distance : 64 kms
Time : 3-4 hours
Elevation : 1700 mtrs – 1000 mtrs
Morning drive is as fresh as morning dew, before reaching the Koirela pass there is a splendid view if the valley. On the side ways of the road lemon grass throws out a smell.
The houses in the Eastern part has a unique way of presenting, looks like it is pasted on the mountains scattered throughout the nature.
Visit the Trashigang Dzong built in 17th century which was used as a monastic body. Now it holds both religious and political administration for the Dzongkhag.
If there is still time visit Rangjung, one of the suburbs of the Trashigang.
Day 9: Trashigang to Trashiyangtse to Trashigang 
Distance : 65 kms
3-4 hours
Elevation : 1000 mtrs – 1750 mtrs
While on the way to further east hidden among the mountains visit Gom Kora. Here Guru Padmasambhava blessed and purified the place from evil to Dharma practicing unit.
In Trashiyangtse take a visit to Chhorten Kora, built in 18th century by Lam Ngawang in order to subdue the demon residing on the site where the stupa is built. It was modeled as a stupa in Nepal, Boudhanath.
The place is also well known for craving wooden bowls called “dappa” traditionally used to eat meals. You get the best products made from cypress tree.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 10: Trashigang to Mongar
Distance :  64 kms
Time : 3-4 hours
Elevation : 1000 mtrs – 1700 mtrs
While coming back drive towards Dramitse, during festival there is a famous drum mask dances which originated and introduced by Terton Pema Lingpa to drive away the demons who were harming the people.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 11: Mongar to Bumthang
Distance : 184 kms
Time : 6-7 hours
Elevation : 1700 mtrs – 2600 mtrs
From Mongar follow the old route, the Ura valley which lies in between mountains with a small settlement consisting about hundred typical houses.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 12 : Bum thang to Phobjikha 
Distance : 163 kms
Time : 5-6 hours
Elevation : 2600 mtrs – 2900 mtrs
While entering the Phobjikha valley it shows a sensational marshy land in Bhutan. It’s famous for endangered bird species, Black Necked Crane as they fly all the way from Tibet to roost on these land in November till Feburary. When Spring starts they fly back 1000 miles back to Tibet. The legend says that when they were human loved each other so much that they made a promise to meet again in next life. So, they met together in these cranes form and when one partner dies, the other will not search for another one. We also called them as “love birds”.
Hike from Gangtey Goenpa through the villages which takes about 1 and half hour to complete the trail.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 13 : Phobjikha to Paro
Distance : 185 kms
Time : 4-5 hours
Elevation : 2900 mtrs – 2200 mtrs
After breakfast drive towards Paro, well it’s worth it to hike up to Chhimi Lhakhang or the Temple of fertility, where Lam Drukpa Kuenly or “the Divine Madman” pinned down two demons who turned into two dogs, in order to stop them from coming out he built a stupa above their burial. Many people from around the world visited who didn’t have any child, after receiving blessing from the wooden and stone phallus, it made possible for the couple to have child.
Visit the Ta Dzong situated on hill lock over viewing the Golden Paro valley. Now the meseum has moved in a new building as the old meseum was affected by earthquake which occurred in Nepal.
In the evening stroll around the town area where the shops displays the handicrafts of Bhutan.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 14: Paro to Paro Taktshang 
Taktshang hike
Elevation : 2200 mtrs – 3100 mtrs
It’s better to start early because in the morning the weather is much favorable compared to the afternoon. Hike to Paro Taktshang or Tiger’s nest, the magnificent structure is placed on top of the rock. In the 8th century Guru Padmasambhava came riding on the back of the tigress to subjugate the local deity, meditated for 3 months and left a body imprint. Later in the 12th century Gyalsey Tenzin Rabgay founded the place and built the monastery. Tigers nest is the icon of Bhutan and protected by World Heritage Site.
Day 15: Paro to Paro airport
Drive to airport for departure. Thank you for visiting Bhutan.
Take nothing but the memories, leave nothing but the footprints.
Thank you for your time and patience.


  • Bhutan VISA fee
  • Government royalty & taxes
  • Dedicated English speaking tour guide
  • Dedicated tour vehicle and driver
  • 3-star accommodation (twin sharing)
  • Daily 3 meals (B/L/D)
  • Airport transfers
  • Bottled water
  • Entry fees to parks and monuments

Not Included

  • Flights to and from Bhutan
  • Personal expense/shopping
  • Beverages (soda/juice/alcohol)
  • 4 or 5 star accommodation (extra charges will apply)
  • Travel insurance
  • Tips for guide and driver